Raj Garden

Opening Times Today
Delivery From

{{ delivery_from }}

Collection from

{{ collection_from }}

{{ sub_category.short_description }}

{{ product.short_name }}

from £ {{ getProductPrice(product) }}

No product found!

Delivery From: {{ delivery_from }}

Collection From: {{ collection_from }}

Delivery: 50 to 60 minutes

Collection: 40 to 50 minutes


{{ val.description }}

Your Basket
{{ cart?.length }}

{{ val.product.short_name || '' }}

- {{ component.short_name }} ({{ component.sub_components[0].short_name || '' }})

- {{ component.short_name }}
  - {{ sub_component.short_name || '' }}
  - {{ n.unit }} x {{ n.short_name }}

£{{ val.total_price || 0.00 }}

Sub Total : £{{ cart_total }}

Your Cart is empty...!

Delivery From: {{ delivery_from }}

Collection From: {{ collection_from }}

Delivery: 50 to 60 minutes

Collection: 40 to 50 minutes


{{ val.description }}

Your Basket
{{ cart?.length }}

{{ val.product.short_name || '' }}

- {{ component.short_name }} x {{ component.unit }}

- {{ component.short_name }} ({{ component.selected_sub_components[0].short_name || '' }})

£{{ val.total_price || 0.00 }}

Sub Total : £{{ cart_total }}